Marriage Is Like The Baseball Off-Season, It’s A Commitment.
The top 3 commitments for this off-season.
The wedding day finally came. What an incredible weekend Kelsey and I had. Who knew the middle of Iowa could be such a magical place. The baseball off-season has arrived too, and just like marriage, the off-season takes commitment for players looking to improve. THIS is the time to get better, and prepare your body to handle the spring/summer. So here are my Top 3 Commitments for this baseball off-season.
1.) Rest – There should be a period of no throwing this off-season. How long should that be? My answer is, “It depends.” A lot of players use November as “No Throw November”. I’ve worked with players who take 2 weeks off, and some that take 6-8 weeks off from throwing. My advice is to look at the volume of baseball you’ve played from the spring until now. If you played spring, summer, and fall baseball then you may consider taking more time off compared to someone who only played spring/summer baseball.
2.) Strengthening – The off-season is the time to get stronger. Players who dedicate time in the gym will pass other players and surprise coaches in the spring. Getting stronger will not only reduce your risk of injury, but also enhance your performance on the field.
3.) THROW! – After you’ve taken a period of no throwing, it’s time to get back at it. In order to throw hard in the spring you have to train in the winter. Brower Baseball has the best off-season throwing programs in the state and I highly recommend signing up. But if you play another sport or are unable to participate in an off-season throwing program, I recommend around 6-8 weeks of throwing before the spring to get your arm in proper condition. This is called a throwing ramp-up. It is not designed to help you throw harder, but can significantly reduce the risk of injuries at the beginning of the season. Don’t wait until it’s too late!
For those who have suffered injuries this past year, the off-season is even more important! If you have questions or would like more information about off-season training, don’t hesitate to reach out!
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