A Full Recovery From a Back Injury - 3 Key Exercises for Back Pain
‘Back’ to the bump….pun intended.
For this ‘Throw’-Back Thursday we are highlighting a former MVP client’s return from a low back injury. We will also provide 3 KEY exercises to help with back pain and prevent back injuries. And please note the incredible quality of the picture on the right.
Alex is a high school baseball pitcher who suffered a low back injury that kept him off the field for over 6 months. When you hear about back injuries, most people think of us old folks “throwing out” their back while bending over to lift something. This is true, but spine injuries are also common in baseball players. Outside of elbows and shoulders we’ve seen multiple back injuries this season already. Why? Baseball is a rotational sport. Each throw, pitch, and swing creates violent rotational forces through the spine. But not to worry, these injuries are very treatable, and we always educate our clients on strategies to help prevent such injuries from occurring again.
So how can we help protect the spine against these rapid rotational forces?…..ANTI-ROTATIONAL exercises. We need to improve the body’s ability to RESIST and CONTROL rotation. Here are 3 of our favorite anti-rotation exercises, which became a staple in Alex’s strength program.
1) Banded Paloff Press
2) Diagonal Rope Chop
3) Diagonal Rope Lift
Video link below to view these exercises. Give them a try!
Alex is now back dominating on the mound this summer. He had an incredible work ethic and focus during this rehab. It’s awesome to see him back doing what he loves and competing at a high level! If you have any questions about back pain, preventing back injuries, or core strengthening please reach out! We are happy to help.
We appreciate you being a part of the MVP family!